About Us

About Us

Astro-Council, Nepal

Astro-Council, Nepal is a non-profitable social organization dedicated to promoting the Science of Astrology.

Studying, teaching, training, consulting and researching the science of astrology, trying to find out the real facts by reflecting on the differences of opinion in the field of mathematical astrology and effective astrology, which are scattered in the national and international fields, and conducting formal meetings for the promotion of astrology and participating in astrological meetings, astrology To establish a library by compiling and publishing newspapers and magazines and collecting unpublished books on astrology and since astrology is needed by everyone from birth to death, to try to provide basic knowledge of astrology to the general public, to inform the society about the dignity and truth of astrology, to gain knowledge of it regardless of caste, race, gender. By breaking the narrow circle and making science useful to the society, taking the sacred aim of protecting astrology, astrology profession and the personalities involved in this genre.A non-profit organization called Nepal Astrology Council ( नेपाल ज्योतिष परिषद् ) has been registered in District Administration Office Kathmandu on 24th of January 2055 (Dtd. 8th of January, 1999 AD.)

Astro. Madhavraj Pandey


Need help? Contact us

+977-01-4533411 or astro.councilnepal2055@gmail.com